AML Dashboard

A database-oriented client dashboard for tracking AML and CDD verification processes.
The usual way of doing AML and CDD, to put it plainly, is manual, boring, and outdated. Can we change that?

How can we streamline the anti-money laundering process? How can we create a trustworthy globally beneficial ownership database? How can we link scattered services inherent to this process? Above all, how can we excite & simplify this workflow to engage current business partners and attract new ones?

These were the most important questions for me and the company to answer to ensure their future success.

TEAM COmposition

  • Start-up Founders
  • Front-End Engineer
  • Back-End Engineer
  • Internal AML team


  1. System planning & strategy
  2. Remote & in-person User Testing
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Visual design direction / UI
  5. Design system maintenance
  6. Iconography
  7. Interactive prototyping
  8. Copywriting
  9. Graphic design
  10. Stakeholder management

Desired Outcome

Existing Airtable workflow enhancement & transfer into a purpose-built web-app.

Case study

It all starts with a conversation and understanding the landscape of the problem. For us it was, plainly, an outdated process that needs updating. AML and CDD processes, classically, are spread across various entities & people, contacted via email, phone or in-person. Hardly possible to streamline and scale.

The company already had a working solution, a hacky and not so fit-for-purpose Airtable workflow that hinged on data aggregation and database organisation – not a product the company was ready to expose to their clients, rendering it an internal tool.

We set our sights on a bespoke web-app.

Exisiting workflow/screen examples (blurred for confidentiality)

Through a series of iterations, we landed on the interface looking largely like this:

This interface was tested with, as per availability, with the internal AML team and answered most of their needs: streamlined process, information architecture that makes sence, good data discoverability and timely notifications.

The missing piece of the puzzle, for which this UI was already accounting for, was a question – how do we populate our internal database? The challenge was the complex company structures with a myriad of directors, owners, trustees, beneficiaries etc.

We needed a tool that can:

  1. Visually create/import an outline of the company structure
  2. Set relevant properties for each element in the structure, such ownership %, step in the verification process, relevant contacts, documents etc.

The visual aspect representing the company structure was a challenge, here’s how I solved it:

Exisiting workflow/screen examples (blurred for confidentiality)

I knew that any visual editing tool can be a challenge to build for even experienced engineers, time being the main constraint. That’s where the component breakdown and alignments based on a strict grid come in (mobile responsive design was not a requirment for this project). We decided to use Material design as a framework.


The project deliverables included: full engineer-ready specifications on inVision, iconography & asset packs, descriptive & visual product flow. I’ve also provided ongoing engineering support for the duration of the project build.

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