iOS / Android Teacher App

Teacher focused fit-for-purpose adaptation of EP’s main web app offering. Core features for mobile specific tasks.
Education Perfect’s web platform has been designed with primarily desktop-based users in mind. Its focus has always been teachers in the education system context and their ubiquitous challenge – time poorness.

We’ve done work to optimise the web experience for core pathways, yet still it remains tethered to a large screen. Our research has shown a clear gap in opportunity for teachers to continue their important work: in between classes and meetings, in transit to and from school, even holidays. Teachers already do it anyway, it’s their day-to-day reality, and the tasks are often predictable and repeatable. We needed to answer key questions:

How can we reduce barriers to accessing education tools when teachers need them?
How can we make our tools more adaptable and robust?
Can we give teachers time to focus on more important tasks?

We found a mobile-available service to be uniquely positioned to answer these questions.

TEAM COmposition

  • Product Managers
  • Product Designer
  • Marketing / Sales team
  • Front-end Engineers
  • Back-end Engineers


  1. Blue-sky ideation
  2. Requirements gathering
  3. Iterative Wireframing / Sketching
  4. Technical opportunities / challenges overview
  5. Visual identity development / Art direction
  6. Interactive prototyping
  7. UI component breakdown / Design system
  8. Engineering specs
  9. User testing

Desired Outcome

A mobile app optimised for key on-the-go teacher workflows.

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