Instant Platform Sign Up

Automation of EP’s manual school sign up process.
Many ed-tech platforms aiming to aling their content with state endorsed curriculums have a manual account creation process. That’s due to two main reasons:
  1. Automatic vetting process to establish the legitimacy of the school isn’t accurate
  2. School leaders are the decision makers when it comes to introducing new tools to their system
We successfully solved these problems through form design, branching user flows, key contact capture and email loops.

TEAM COmposition

  • Product Managers
  • Product Designer
  • Marketing / Sales team
  • Front-end Engineers
  • Back-end Engineers


  1. Requirements gathering
  2. Iterative Wireframing / Sketching
  3. Technical opportunities / challenges overview
  4. Interactive prototyping
  5. UI component breakdown / Design system
  6. Engineering specs
  7. User testing

Desired Outcome

Automated school sign up

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