Cloudy Apple

Social-good digital creative studio for community initiatives & businesses.
Small community initiatives commonly lack online presence, which can hamper their development – with that in mind and with the help of the iconic NZ cider, as 2 friends and I were flying out of the picturesque Hawke’s Bay, Cloudy Apple was born.

We set out to create bespoke digitial experiences for local change-makers.

I've worked on developing Cloudy Apple's unique brand identity and communicating this through our site design and external communications. Alongside project-specific UX/UI design work, my responsibility is to grow our relationships with collaborators and ensure the outcomes we deliver align with their strategic needs and objectives.

Skills / Role

  • Brand Identity
  • Stakeholder management
  • Wireframing & prototyping
  • Copywriting
  • UI Design

TEAM COmposition

  • Business Owners
  • Designers
  • Front-end Engineer


Winner at AUT Co.Starters Award for Excellence in Entrepreneurship.

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